From Forums of the Virgin Mary:
Jesus appeared in four countries, with a message in every century.
In each one its presence has been marked.
In France, Spain, Guatemala and Poland the Sacred Heart of Jesus has insisted on reminding us how much he loves men.
Although it seems that it is a repetition of themes; the reality is that in each one he changes his spiritual object.Since, as will be seen in the different stories, Jesus asks for something different in each one..
In spite of always being the center his Sacred Heart.
The best-known appearances are the first and the last (Santa Margarita and Santa Faustina).
Both have had a strong spread in the world..
But in between he appeared to Blessed Bernardo de Hoyos and Blessed Maria Encarnación Rosal.
Read also:
- The Devotion to the ‘Organ’ of the Love of the Lord: Sacred Heart of Jesus, Universal (after Corpus Christi)
- The Divine Heart and Santa Margarita María de Alacoque
- The apparitions of the Sacred Heart to Saint Teresa of Jesus
- Saint Gertrudis the Great and the visions of the Sacred Heart
- How Jesus led a religious woman to ask for the consecration of the world to her Sacred Heart
- Jacinta, the seer of Garabandal, narrates the vision she had of the Sacred Heart
- Fundamentals of Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Consecration of Spain to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Haurietis Aquas Encyclical on the cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Miserentissimus Redemptor Encyclical Letter on the Atonement that Everyone Owes to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Several prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Remedy for the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Stop the Sacred Heart
- Novenas to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
In the Old Testament, you can read different verses about the heart.
For example in Deuteronomy 6, 4-6. Precisely God asks you to love him with all your heart .
In Song of Songs 8, 6; the word heart is used to ask the beloved to “tattoo” his love on this .
As we observe the word is used in a symbolic sense.
As we can also see in Ezekiel 36, 26; in which he talks about that he will put a heart of flesh on them, taking away the stone one.
But when you enter the New Testament, and you come to specify about Jesus, you must understand who Jesus is .
In Philippians 6, 11; St. Paul indicates that the Son becomes a man, being God .
This is that He is a divine person, but with two natures.
By acquiring human nature with the Incarnation, Jesus also takes all the organs, including the heart.
The clearest insinuation in the New Testament about the Sacred Heart is in John 19:34.
For it is the thrown that strips it of everything. It spills his blood and water that still had left .
This conception will be marked in the artistic works and in the appearances in the different countries.
The Fathers of the Church will see in the verses of San Juan, both in the episode of the release and in San Juan 13, 23-28; to the Heart of Christ.
Referring to the heart the whole person of Christ, which is love.
Saint John Eudes will write the first Mass for the Sacred Heart in 1672, October 20 .
Other saints, like Saint Gertrude, will be very attached to this devotion and will be those who will give a deeper origin.
Later with the different appearances will be consolidated even more in the faithful.
In that country, famous for the apparitions of the Virgin Mary, in her Immaculate Conception, the Sacred Heart appeared to a nun .
Sister Margarita María Alacoque, now a saint, had the privilege of seeing the Lord several times in person . Live and rise!
In 1673, the day of the Apostle Saint John , to whom Jesus allowed him to lie on his chest and hear the beating of his heart; He introduced himself to the nun Alacoque.
Santa Margarita would be in charge of propagating this devotion from the convent . Jesus will manifest Himself, being the author of these events.
The saint was a humble, simple woman, since she was a child she made a vow of chastity , consecrating her purity.
She would not understand much of these words, because later as an adult she will understand much more this.
His life between prodigies and diseases, will be an example to follow.
The charity sign of love will be present in the novitiate, building the other religious .
But not everything in your life, they are roses: there are also thorns.
Strongly suffered reprimands and humiliations.
God rewarded her with the visit of the Divine Son, who would reveal his Sacred Heart and 12 promises offered to whoever lived for his Heart .
For the main objective is to approach the person of Jesus Christ.
Being properly the link of this revelation the sacred organ.
The primordial end is love, which the Second Person of the Trinity wants to remind the world .
In art you can see flames that emerge from the organ and that come off behind it, to remember through this sign love.
That is why it highlights the passionate instruments: like the cross, the crown of thorns and the opening of the side.
The cut of the Heart, the sore, is the symbol that gives it all..
That is why to see the works of art on this subject, remember as a whole the love..
The best way to recognize that he loves, is that he has tattooed, inside himself, what he suffered for the human race..
As if it were the richest jewels..
As in Cantar de los Cantares we have seen.
From the seventeenth century, now it moves to the eighteenth century.
In Valladolid, Blessed Father Bernardo de Hoyos will receive the following assignment from the Sacred Heart.
The king at the time is Philip V, successor to King Louis XIV of France.
But what does Jesus want now?
Extend your worship , so that your Sacred Heart is loved, adored and revered.
Through different requests, the Lord let him see how full of flames he approached hearts.
Burning with love Father Bernado , at that time was not yet ordered.
San Miguel Arcángel said that he will take care of those who propagate this devotion .
For there are many difficulties that will pass those who spread this.
God has to pay so much to do with it, and with the commitment, love and devotion to this inflamed organ of love for us.
The Sacred Heart once again promised that those who honor him and seek others to honor him will pour out his blessings to make his work more pleasant. Jesus has to ask for the extension of the kingdom of His Most Sacred Heart.
Father Bernardo de Hoyos often wanted to extend that kingdom to the New World , but he could not.
He died at 24 years of age.
This Blessed had heard that promise from the mouth of Our Lord Jesus Christ:
“I will reign in Spain with more and greater devotion than in other places.”
He would also hear that whatever was asked of the Sacred Heart would be granted.
It took 200 years to turn the Church of St. Ambrose into a national temple dedicated to atone for the Sacred Heart .
The temple was consecrated in 1941 as the National Shrine of the Great Promise.
Later the Pope Pablo I SAW in the year of 1964 decided to turn the Sanctuary into Minor Basilica .
In 2010, Father Bernardo was beatified.
In the Overseas Province of the year 1820 , a beautiful girl was born in Quetzaltenango.
Spain governed all of Central America as the General Captaincy of Guatemala .
Remembering that Jesus does not forget his promises. Vicenta Rosal, that’s the name of this girl, will be in charge of being the confidant of the Sacred Heart .
In 1821 , Central America became independent from Spain, annexing Mexico.
In 1823 it was separated from that country, returning to be Central America, as United Provinces.
Vicenta Rosal would be Spanish by birth, Mexican for a few years and finally Guatemalan.
On July 16, 1838, he received the habit of the Bethlemite Order from the last father who still lived: Fray José de San Martín.
He changed his name to Incarnation of the Sacred Heart .
Interesting it must be the fact that the last father gives him the habit to reform and give life again to this order that for different situations was about to die.
But Sr. Encarnación , is not very happy and goes to the convent of the catalinas.
By the designs of the Almighty, return to Bethlehem.
Little by little he was entrusted with different positions and so he has to start by giving himself up to reform the convent and the female branch of the Order that Saint Brother Pedro had founded.
In that impetus to reform, he has to give himself up to more mortifications and also to pray.
In 1857, on April 9, the Mother went to the Chapel to meditate on what would have happened on that day that Judas Iscariot would betray Jesus.
While he was at it, he heard a subtle bell ; like a very thin metal. He ignored
He felt the veil being pulled , but he ignored it. Until the Lord said in his ear :
“Men do not celebrate the pains of my Heart”
This experience was repeated a few days later , while receiving communion.
Hearing the same request.
The Mother, deeply involved in her prayer, told the Lord to use other nuns .
But Jesus had already chosen her.
The time has to pass, happening different facts of supernatural origin.
Cholera spread in Guatemala as an epidemic , dying the president’s wife and many more people.
Jesus chose this situation to demonstrate his love.
While Mother Incarnation celebrated the first party, the epidemic would diminish to the point of disappearing.
Jesus on several occasions appeared to him, he was no longer just a voice.
He manifested the pain of his Heart and the darts that caused this.
From that time, every 25th of the month, Mother Encarnación and her sisters prayed to make amends to Jesus .
The main celebration was on August 25 , since it was the Lord himself who chose such a date.
During that first celebration oil and wax were not scarce , a miracle that would also be seen as a miracle of heaven .
Well, a convent so poor, little could.
Mother had asked for a license to collect alms for the party. But God does the impossible.
Of the testimony of those apparitions, few data are known, each dialogue was jealously guarded.
The bell sister had to realize the light emanating from the chapel where the Mother was praying, the electric light did not yet exist and the candles could not produce that luminosity.
Something sensed that it had happened that night.
It was San Ezequiel Moreno who could discover this mystery.
Because Jesus had appeared to the Mother.
The devotion to the mercy of the Lord has been strongly spread.
France, Spain, Guatemala and now Poland is the new place where Jesus comes to visit.
In each century it has been present, first in 1600’s, then in Spain in 1731.
In the Beaterio de Belén of the Republic of Guatemala in 1857.
Jesus has curiously chosen one person in each century.
Sister Faustina Kowalska was born in 1905 in Poland, in a place near Krakow. In 1928 she made the definitive vows as a nun.
Later in 1931, Jesus began to manifest .
All these appearances were written in his diary.
More than 600 pages that speak of this devotion .
Where he invites him to spread mercy and trust to Jesus.
In 1938 Sister Faustina died of tuberculosis …
His body lies beneath the miraculous image he commanded to be made of mercy.
Jesus, is painted on a black background.
Walking with a white robe while with his hand he opens his chest from where lightning shoots.
The rays of red and white, symbol of the blood and water that flowed from the Heart of Jesus on Good Friday.
With the other hand he blesses , with his eyes bowed as if he wanted to observe who is watching the painting.
Below this is a sign that says:
“Jesus, I trust you”
Thus Saint Faustina wanted to transfer what she had contemplated. Although she was not happy, because the picture was far from the beauty that Jesus has.
That is why Jesus would tell him that it is not in the image, but in the grace that he transmits .
It is not the details and skills of the artist but something else.
Many requests Jesus would ask of him: like the prayer of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, the Friday prayer at three o’clock in the afternoon (hour that Jesus died) …
All this in order to bring souls closer to the Sacred Heart of Our Lord.
His feast is celebrated on the Sunday after the Resurrection , after Easter.
Praying the novena from Good Friday and continuing for nine days.
The second person of the Most Holy Trinity wanted to become one like everyone else , except in sin.
As a man he had the same feelings, and taught the way forward.
He said he would always be with one, and he stayed in the Eucharist.
The man has been lost and Jesus has not wanted to leave the human being alone.
Therefore, four times to indicate the path of his love.