Christine Majta from Burlington, Ontario, writes: “Your article ‘Strangest Things: A Doctor In New Orleans brought to mind multiple incidents.
“Decades ago, while at work, a co-worker told me that she saw me driving on the highway. I told her that wasn’t possible, as I don’t drive.

“More recently, I saw the same man (?) in a grocery store. I approached him and spoke to him. Only after hearing his voice did I realize he was not my brother, Lou.
“More interesting than that, my mother approached a man while shopping, believing him to be her son. Again, she realized he wasn’t her son, after he started speaking!
“Years ago, while visiting Florida, two women approached me, believing that I was a television personality. I didn’t know who they were referring to, as I didn’t watch TV. I wonder how many innocent persons are doing time in jail for crimes their ‘twin’ committed!” [‘See previous article.]
Writes a Miami woman who requested anonymity (about a recent post to do with hotly controversial “seer” and “stigmatic” Gisella Cardia: see story): “I saw no explanation on a series of pictures seemingly showing a red word appearing on her arm [above, claimed to appear miraculously]. It reminded me of my mother.
“I come from a family of witches, all were involved if not in actual witchery like Santeria, others by passive tolerance and enjoyment of stories. That was my mother.
“I’ll tell you more of her issues. In 1950, Perez Jimenez was the dictator in Venezuela. Well, my mother was his secretary in her early twenties. Were you to see photos of him speaking from his high-up podium, at the bottom, at the congress floor, you’d see my mother. She was a very sophisticated, very attractive woman. After his fall, my mother remained among the highest CEOs in the government.
“This is not my memoir, but perhaps it goes to ‘what the heck’ happened to her.
“When I was 12, in 1961, her mother died. Among her loud sobs, I saw my mother raise her fist at heaven, swearing and blaspheming. She demanded to know why. (My grandmother was 89!)
“That scared me terribly for my mother. I was going to a Catholic school (we all were Catholic). Right after the funeral, my mother laid down on her mother’s bed and never got up again until she died, twenty years later. She was waiting for death.
“I dropped out of school, as a sophomore in high school. I spent the next two years just roaming in that smoke-filled apartment with her, just doing nothing. She developed strange things in her body. For example, thick metal shavings kept coming out from her thumbs, out of her skin. She would pick them out with a cuticle needle nose. There was no bleeding, she’d pull them out and put them on a growing pile on her little side table. I remember them to be magnetic, but I never saw them on a magnet.
“On all photos, she and her two sisters would have big black floaties behind them. Our lives were governed by countless superstitions and then we both could spend hours looking at how her legs were screens where hieroglyphics would slowly appear to be fairly clear and slowly fade away. Maybe five to six would be in different cycles of appearance. It was not until I got a game where ‘Ankh’ was part of the game, that I remembered this about my mother. Here are two I recognized when I was in my thirties to forties.
“Even now I’m tentative about even looking at the meanings. It’s very frightening. My mother had a massive stroke at 53 that left her with a metal brace on her leg and arm. At 57, she had a massive heart attack that killed her. So as not to leave loose ends, she sent me away to a boarding school when I was 14 and I was very happy to go then but now I see that was the Hand of God.”
[Note: Spirit Daily makes no discernment on Cardia or other seers. Both good and negative forces can come through anyone.]
[resources: Lying Wonders, Strangest Things; spiritual warfare books]