This isn’t a pleasant topic. We like to be upbeat, because despite everything, we feel upbeat. Very. The Spirit is always so.
But it’s an issue that needs to be aired (and prayed about). You’ll have to excuse a bit of the vulgarity, so a few points can be made. Perhaps one should say: Warning, Possibly Upsetting Content. Or perhaps you’re totally used to it by now. Aren’t we all? Our debauched times.
Look at the level of national discourse. It’s gutter level.
On the one side you have Robert DeNiro tossing what they call “f-bombs” at President Donald Trump during a nationally-televised “Tony Awards.” It was all over the news the next day. Instead of scandalizing those present, he was rewarded with a standing ovation. And he repeated that same crass verbiage a few months later, again publicly. This is what we used to call “shameless.” Hillary Clinton has been known to sling around similar terminology — albeit not on television. The list of others is long. During the annual Press Club dinner last year, a “comedienne” unleashed a string of obscenities in attacking the White House that a few short decades ago would have led to banishment from television or radio. Now, as at the Tony Awards, it’s applauded. A presidential hopeful, Beto O’Rourke of Texas, has used “f—-ing” at least twice since November: once the day after he lost a senate race, and a few days ago at a public rally. Very cool dude, is Beto.
Unfortunately, he’s the new norm. You now see the f-word in the prose of major magazines (where a few short years ago, even within quotes, that was taboo) and blurted at televised sports events, or the term “bulls— used in network news reports — by anchors.
During the recent Golden Globe Awards, an actor spared us that particular lingo but in accepting his plaque, and though tongue-in-cheek, thanked Satan for helping him play the part of former Vice President Dick Cheney.
Remember this, from Matthew 12:34-36, “O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.”
The same also comes from conservatives, who are supposed to be more inclined toward Christianity, including supporters of the president and the president himself. In “tweets,” he and a hard-core porn star get down to guttural Twitter insults, she taunting him over his anatomy, and he retaliating by calling her “horse face.” Politicians on both sides — in heated exchanges — use expletives on the floor of Congress. Meanwhile, in an attempt to spur President Trump on the border wall (when he was beginning to compromise), conservative commentator Ann Coulter said if he compromised he would be looked upon as a “d—– bag.” It doesn’t get much cruder. Others have their own ways of expression. They hold up the middle finger at rallies or chant “f-you” or “sucks.” Dear Washington — all of you, on both sides: our children are watching and listening. Locally, a commissioner in our county (former Navy, which used to mean respectable) used the “f-word” in a debate with a citizen who was opposing something he cherished (expansion of a barbecue restaurant).
And oh, the rage on the road. On the back window of one pickup in Texas (excuse us again): “TRUCKFUMP.”
Meanwhile, supporters of the president have their own bumper-stickers.
So there’s that: the crudity in the way this nation conducts politics. There’s mockery of religion. But it goes far beyond. Is there any movie in which the f-word isn’t liberally cast about, as well as the Name of Jesus?
One group, using books as a measure, found the use of the f-word was 168 times more frequent in 2008 (ten years ago, when things were calm, compared to now) than in 1950. Add “mother” to the F- word and frequency of use soared 678 times over the Leave-It-To-Beaver 1950s.)
Sad stuff. Stuff that counts in purgatory. Insults fly at us from everywhere.
Don’t become used to it. When profanity is used it creates an atmosphere conducive to sin.
Nor should be inured to the truly diabolical disorientation when it comes to genders. There is the whole issue of “transgenders.” Now even this is a matter of political correctness. We are not supposed to say anything about it. They used to be known as transsexuals. But say it one must: Transsexuals are hoodwinked by the prince of lies. They need our love and prayers. Mostly, they need deliverance.
Yet instead of admitting this and initiating healing, our society now declares what they do — self-mutilation! — a “civil right” and nearly chic — all but illegal to think what they have done (deforming what God made them to be) is at all errant.
Years ago — decades ago, in the 1980s, when there was still a semblance of rationality — the exquisitely liberal New Yorker carried an in-depth article on the underworld of trans-sexuals — one that showed it for what it is: a dismal, lonely, hopeless world. No one could have finished that article without believing that the devil was involved, unless one just flat-out refuses to believe in that foul spirit. Now, in our current time, even questioning whether it’s right or wrong will get you in trouble. It’s a “hate crime” to call evil what it is.
How debased is a culture when three of the top ten websites in the world (just after Google, Facebook, Youtube, and Amazon) are hardcore pornography sites? Does anyone realize the demons that are imparted when one views pornography (hint: it’s the same level as deep occultism, and perhaps as even satanism)?
And when it comes to tech and societal obscenity, perhaps nothing exceeds sex robots. Mechanical “women” are now replacing human prostitutes. Sorry for this diatribe. But:
Did anyone even just a few years ago ever imagine we’d be going down this road?
Noted one news article:
- A Toronto-based sex robot brothel plans to open another location in Houston.
- Some critics argue that the proliferation of sex robots would lead to increases in prostitution and sex trafficking.
- Others say that such technology could help some people find a degree of much-needed companionship.
- There is even now demon underwear fashioned for “incubi and succubi.”
There’s more — we’ll spare you.
The point is not to upset or condemn. It’s not to judge. But this is all very serious business, in need of prayer.
Forget the “new normal.” It’s time to stop pretending. It is stuff that isn’t tolerable at any level. It can not be allowed, whether vulgarity, blasphemy, perversion, or simple hatefulness. To get to Heaven, no matter our politics, we can never remotely adjust to it.
For to repeat (and without hyperbole): the new normal is the road to hell.
“But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36-37).
[resources: Michael Brown retreat, Louisiana and Tampa and Shifting Atmospheres]