From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translation; views expressed are those of Forum]:
Revelations from a Pope and a mystic about the extra power given to demons and for how long.
There is no doubt that the world has been engulfed in increasing chaos since the 20th century.
And that in recent times a reversal of morale has begun.
What is producing this?
There are two mystical visions, one from Pope Leo XIII and one from Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, reporting the release of demons from hell in this period.
Who would be the ones who are managing human minions to produce chaos and a moral reversal of which there is no precedent in history?
Here we will talk about when and why the demons were released, for how long they would be released, and at what point we are, whether close to being returned to hell or far away…

Looking back at history there is little doubt that from the 20th century, evil had a push on earth, as it had not had in the previous 19 centuries [for your discernment].
Two world wars, 1914 and 1939, terrible genocides, such as those produced by Stalin, Mao, the Third Reich, Pol Pot, against the Armenians, that of Rwanda, [now Ukraine], horrors that added together, have had no parallel in history.
And even more so, an unprecedented process of moral reversal is currently underway, in which what is bad is being called good and what is good bad.
And a globalization, which points to an authoritarian world regime.
It is as if the demons have been released from hell and are creating chaos, killing and redesigning the world.
Saint Augustine interprets, in City of God, that before the arrival of Christ the devil had acted freely in the world.
But Jesus bound the power of Satan through his sacrifice on the Cross, which allowed several centuries for the spread of the Gospel throughout the globe and thus the world became Christianized.
He says that it is the millennium that Revelation chapter 20 speaks of, in which the devil will be chained in hell.
But once this long period is over, which is symbolized in 1,000 years, the devil will be unleashed again, for a little while, to deceive the inhabitants of the earth.
In other words, Satan and his minions will be released from hell for a time and will have a period of greater power, as in the Book of Job.
And possibly that is what we have been seeing with the rise of lawlessness, the horrors of wars and genocides, and the reversal of moral values that are happening now. trying to destroy people’s faith in God, making the love of many grow cold.
And do we have any reference as to when this period of increased power granted to the evil one began?
Possibly gradually from the 16th or 17th century, which marked a decrease of Christianity, the arrival of the Enlightenment, the Protestant Reformation, the French Revolution, and atheism through philosophers like Nietzsche, etcetera.
The first significant push was in 1884, when Leo XIII had an auditory and a visual revelation.
On October 13, 1884, after Leo XIII finished celebrating Mass in the Chapel, which was attended by some cardinals and members of the Vatican staff, he stopped suddenly at the foot of the altar.
He stood there for about 10 minutes, as if in a trance, his face as white as ash.
Then, going immediately from the Chapel to his office, he composed the prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel, with instructions that it be prayed after all the Masses celebrated in the world.
And when asked what had happened, he explained that as he was about to leave the altar he heard two voices, one kind and gentle, the other guttural and harsh.
They seemed to come from near the tabernacle.
And he heard the following conversation of a challenge from Satan to the Lord.
The guttural voice, the voice of Satan, boasting before Our Lord said, “I can destroy your Church.”
The soft voice of Our Lord answered him: “Can you? Then go ahead and do it.”
So Satan asked Him, “To do it, I need more time and more power.”
Our Lord then asked, “How long? How much power?”
And Satan told him, “75 to 100 years, and greater power over those who serve me.”
Then Our Lord accepted the challenge, saying, “you have the time, you will have the power. Do what you want with them.” [Job!]
And half an hour later Leo XIII called the Secretary of the Congregation of Rites and handed him a sheet, asking him to print it and send it to all the ordinaries in the world. It was the prayer that would be said at the end of each Mass, until it was removed due to the liturgical reform produced after the Second Vatican Council.
And he also [allegedly] had a visual revelation, where he saw a large number of demonic spirits converging on Rome.
It is from there that the First World War would come in 1914 and then the Second. [scroll for more]
But Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich had a vision of a second demonic push that would have occurred around 1940.
After His resurrection, Jesus descended into hell so that the demons would recognize his Lordship.
We recite this descent into hell in the Creed and we say “hell,” because before Christ everything above was called Heaven, the realm where God reigns.
And everything below was called Hell, where it was believed that the deceased were under the influence of death.
Jesus went to announce to human beings and demons the redemption achieved by His sacrifice on the Cross, and from there purgatory and hell itself were created.
Ana Catalina Emmerich says that the angels broke down the doors with a tremendous explosion, and a sea of imprecations, insults, howls, and wails rose.
Everyone had to recognize and adore Jesus, and this was the greatest of his tortures for the demons.
And there Ana Catalina Emmerich says that the liberation of Lucifer is decreed 50 or 60 years before 2000, for a time.
In other words, the liberation would have been between 1940 and 1950.
But Emmerich says that some demons are going to be released first so they can prepare the way.
This is written in the book The Painful Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is under this second push that we are today, because if we look closely, the vision of Leo XIII of 1884 does not speak of the liberation of Satan or lucifer, but of a concession that Jesus Christ makes to the evil one.
And there is no talk of liberation from Satan in that concession, but the liberation of demons.
But later, in Ana Catalina Emmerich’s vision, there is talk of the liberation of Lucifer or Satan together with other demons; she says that beforehand there would be a previous liberation of other demons.
Perhaps, then, the liberation of the demons that Leo XIII saw is that previous liberation of other demons that Emmerich saw, and then that of Satan would come.
So what do we have if we put these two revelations together?
They tell us that from the 20th century [for discernment], perhaps from the end of the 19th century, a number of demons would have begun to be released from hell, due to a concession made by Jesus Christ to Satan, who challenged him that he could destroy His Church.
Demons that would have been producing chaos and violence in the world preparing for the release of Satan, which would have happened around 1940-1950. [scroll for more]
And it is from there that the attack on the world would have grown.
Because it is after the end of the Second World War that actions begin to reshape the world’s morality through supranational organizations created by the elites such as the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Club, the Trilateral, the World Bank, the IMF.
And also the sexual revolution through the Paris May of 1968, feminism, even affecting the Church through the Second Vatican Council.
But note also that both revelations, that of Leo XII and that of Ana Catalina Emmerich, say that this liberation will be final.
The revelation given to Leo XIII makes explicit that period of more power granted to the evil one, between 75 to 100 years.
So the concession has already expired.
And then we would be in a period where Jesus Christ will begin to take away Satan’s power.
And this coincides with what has been revealed to various seers, and demons have been revealed in exorcisms, who have said that Jesus Christ is about to take away the power of demons.
The visionary Mirjana of Medjugorje has revealed that when the secrets that the Virgin gave them begin to materialize, the power of Satan on earth will be broken.
Furthermore, she has said that the events that will happen during each secret are to disempower satan.
So the tribulation that we are suffering is produced because, on the one hand, Satan knows that his power will be taken away from him and that is why he makes efforts to hold on to it, and on the other hand, perhaps because Jesus Christ has already begun to cut off his power.
Well up to here what we wanted to talk about the liberation of demons that have produced violence and moral change in the world, and the moment in which their power would be taken away…
[resources: Michael Brown retreat]