From Charisma News:
The election was less than a week ago, and already Fox’s Satan-inspired crime drama Lucifer is ready to put President-elect Donald Trump in the “tyrant wing in hell.” On Monday night’s episode “Trip to Stabby Town,” Lucifer’s (Tom Ellis) therapist Linda (Rachael Harris), who was recently given proof that Lucifer is in fact really Satan, has a bunch of questions, such as, “How did you actually torture Hitler in Hell? I mean, is his cell next to Idi Amin’s? Or Mussolini’s? Or is there kind of a tyrant wing in hell?” but Lucifer doesn’t want to talk about it at first.
When Lucifer is finally ready to discuss who is in hell, he names Trump, along with Caligula and Stalin, and says even though Trump’s not dead yet, “he’s definitely going” to hell.
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