[From Life Missions, Family Healing]:
Any ancestry may include thieves, murderers, drunks, adulterers, and practitioners of witchcraft. Did you ever stop to contemplate that?
Those sins can manifest in various ways. And so can victimization: the darkness from those who have suffered from violence or persistent ailments. Especially handed down are psychological ills, even torments. Or simply the spiritit of “fear” and “victimhood.”
One example from the late Father Robert DeGrandis (a strong prayer warrior) was the brutality passed through the generations of a Mexican girl who suffered from the spirit of masochism.
This was dispersed and dispensed with prayers to bring light and peace and forgiveness into the situation and cut the ties between the girl and the brutality associated with the ancestor, in the Presence of Jesus. That prayer caused healing to flow. Upshot: We must separate ourselves from the negative influences of the deceased.
Perhaps this was what Jesus referred to when He mentioned that the Pharisees were full of “dead men’s bones” (Matthew 23:27). We could also say “skeletons in the closet”! We have seen cases where the dark inclinations of one family member seemed to pass down upon death, or at least cause another weakness to be accented. For example, let’s say there is an uncle who was always the focus of disputes. He was alienated from many in the family. He lived a life of loneliness because he felt he was “above” everyone (pride). He was from a Catholic family, but an
atheist—without belief.
On his deathbed, a nephew visits him and soon after takes on the uncle’s characteristics—even sees an apparition of him. It is like he is “possessed.”
Actually, the uncle may have been hovering around and magnifying traits that he and the nephew genetically shared.
The nephew even begins to bear a physical resemblance.
And perhaps there are disruptions in the home.
A cabinet falls for no good reason. Water suddenly springs from various spots in a roof that never leaked previously. Unfortunate events plague the family.
Division enters.
If we look closely, virtually every family has some issue.
“In the Name of Jesus, and by my authority as a Christian, I cut off from past generations any communication of hatred, bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, lust, envy, gluttony, sloth, pride, anything that is negative, anything not of the Kingdom of God. I call upon the Precious Blood to come upon me and my family. I ask the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ Name to cut and cleanse and purify any negative emotions that have been communicated from whatever generation. Amen,” is a prayer Father DeGrandis has devised.
A priest named Father Dwight Longenecker (South Carolina) asserts that one can use the Rosary to flush out damage from the past by meditating on the stages of our own lives as we meditate on the stages in the life of Jesus. Let the Holy Spirit guide you.
It is best to treat an illness before it even isan illness.
As Sirach tells us, “Before sickness, prepare the cure” (18:8).