From Vatican News:
Sunday’s Gospel, Pope Francis said in remarks at the weekly Angelus, “concerns a miraculous sign” — the prodigious catch of fish — “a sign of the power of the word of Jesus.” When we respond generously to God’s call, he said, Jesus “accomplishes great things in us.”
The Holy Father was reflecting on the days Gospel, which tells how Jesus “surprised” Simon by climbing in his boat, and going out a little ways from the shore to teach the people. Then, the Pope said, Jesus made another “surprising ‘move’” by asking Simon to “put out into the deep” and lower his nets for a catch. Simon (to whom Jesus would later give the name Peter) seems at first to offer an objection; but, the Pope said, “inspired by the presence of Jesus, and illuminated by His word,” Simon does as he is asked. “It is the response of faith”, Pope Francis said, the response “that that we too are called to give; and the attitude of openness that the Lord asks of all His disciples, especially insofar as they have duties of responsibility in the Church”.
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