The mystics have taught us or quoted the Lord or Blessed Mother through the years as teaching us that as a society we get the leaders we deserve, and so when we look at what is forming in the world and our own country we keep this in mind: we try to blame it all on them, but leaders often reflect overall morality. Not always. Not perfectly. But certainly to a large extent.
And if any particular candidate has any negative traits to excess, this may mirror such negative inclinations in the culture as a whole.
One visionary warned that the fruit of current sin would be tyranny. America is not above that. Anything can happen. We live in dynamic times!
We must pray for all candidates and for all of their and our own conversions, for conversion is a constant challenge and mission.
We judge not on a personal level (only God can do that), but we can evaluate the overall tenor of our times, and it is a dangerous time, due to societal immorality.
To know the state of the collective soul takes only a look at the movies currently at the theatre — witch-themed or ghost-laden or demonized, filled with gratuitous sex and vulgarity, as never ever before, the Lord’s Name in vain, on the “silver screen” (that magical magnification), in one case even earning the movie (now at theatres everywhere) an imprimatur from the Church of Satan (which now not only endorses movies but is making inroads at city councils and other governmental bodies that have allowed themselves to be forced into permitting the official “prayers” or invocation before meetings to be conducted by pagans or outright devil worshippers, in the name of religious freedom; allowed also, in a couple instances, to place a statue of the devil in the public square).
The manifestations of evil in our times are too extensive for a quick summary.
The pornography, the rudeness, the hatred, the bigotry (on all sides), the genetic meddling, the scientific hubris, the corruption through our systems of education, the exploitative costs of medical care, the public nudity, the occult themes at every turn, the drugs, the degradation of God’s Creation, and so forth — the divorce, the violence, the crime, the surrogacy (it isn’t just abortion) — is such that America must quickly turn a corner or face tyranny, plus whatever nature will serve up (and does she rumble!).
Is there already tyranny in the way of homosexual marriage?
A recent mystic in Australia notes that “all the people in the world still remain deaf and blind to these signs.” Many don’t realize — those who reject the notion of chastisement — that the greatly extolled Abraham Lincoln signed a proclamation in 1863 stating directly that “by His Divine law, nations like individuals are subjected to punishments and chastisements” and fretting that “we have grown in numbers, wealth, and power, as so other nation has ever grown.
But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious Hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of their own.” Arrogance is at epidemic levels. So is rancor.
This is written before the result of primaries and pertains to any election, though this year we have what seem like locomotives headed for each other. Dynamic indeed! And prayer works.
Everyone has the power to change the world — everyone, from the comfort of the home or pew.
We start with love and purity in our own souls, and this translates outwardly — it really does; it sends lightness out there into the cosmos, a light that, however improbable it seems, however difficult to conceive, erases bands of dark.
[for full proclamation signed by Lincoln, click here]
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