Ah, does “death” come in many ways! And there is an afterlife.
We speak not of actually passing into the eternal, but rather of what occurs or should occur after “traumas” on earth.
— When one chapter of our existence turns into a new chapter.
— When there are life changes.
— When there’s the death of a loved one or heartbreak or career change, a relocation — whatever:
The Lord is offering us the opportunity to see things anew and move on and up.
That too was in quotes — “traumas” — because in the Light of Jesus Christ and what He has in store for us there is no such thing as tragedy but for loss in hell of a soul. There is only change.
All is development. All is learning. All transitions with Him turn positive.
“Hope in Me, and you will be protected from depression and self-pity,” He tells us. “Hope is like a golden cord connecting you to Heaven. The more you cling to this cord, the more I bear the weight of your burdens; thus, you are lightened. Heaviness is not of My Kingdom. Cling to hope, and My rays of Light will reach you through darkness.”
When we walk with Him, events in our lives mark a crossroads, the transition to a new time in our lives. The Lord is opening new opportunities, new perspectives. Every now and then, we all need a “change of scenery.”
Living by routine, by habit, idle, causes the death of vigor which is the death of life. So does prayer when it does not come from the spirit.
No matter what it is you’re going through in life, it is an opportunity, a golden one, when looked at not through the gloom of humanness or distraction of the enemy but the Light of Christ. He is the only true prism.
Yes, there are “bad” times — unfortunate events. Sadness. Yes, things can seem horrible.
Let those not linger and let them not control your life.
It is death of ego, or parts of it. Often it comes to purge, to rid self of “self.”
After “death” is new life here on earth.
To turn that corner takes only love, which has no desire but to glorify God.