We enjoy many items in our mailbag, which, often as not, tend toward the mystical.
The photo above was taken, for example, by a viewer from the Chicago area who has a gift for taking anointed photos, often accompanied with a little “word of knowledge.” For your discernment.
And this from Lisa Vasquez:
“Nobody sees this but me. I have stones from St. Michael the Archangel’s cave [in Italy]. I carry them with me always. I love them very much. I bless my children with them, morning and night.
“One day I noticed one looked like a face had appeared on it. When I really study my stone, I am shocked to see some of the markings match markings on the Shroud. I was wondering if you agree.”
Who knows? Maybe — Padre Pio (who lived nearby) also?
“Also,” says Lisa, “a girl at work who is not a practicing Catholic or a practicing anything was pregnant and one of the twins was not doing well in the womb. He was becoming anemic, which is dangerous for twins.
“I offered her the stones to bless her belly and was surprised she took them and very seriously rubbed them all over her stomach for a few minutes. About a week or so later the baby’s condition had cleared up and they were born super healthy and didn’t even need time in the natal ICU. They were also quite large for twins! Anyway, for some reason, I think the stones healed them.”+
Many “hear” His Voice.
Alas, there is that. Said Bishop Dom Nelson Westrupp, president of the regional episcopal conference of bishops, in a formal letter, in 2011, “The purpose of this is to provide information about the activities of young Marcos Thadeu Teixeira (Marquinho). After serious and careful discernment of his writings (visions, inner locutions) our current position is as follows:+
“Although it is evident that Marcos Thadeu has a deep devotion to the Heart of Jesus and Our Lady, the messages which he claims to have received from Jesus and Mary are NOT OF A SUPERNATURAL NATURE. There are several expressions that flatly contradict this possibility by showing that these messages / locutions come from the author’s own thoughts and feelings. Theology does not teach: through Jesus to Mary (as taught in the messages of Jacarei), but rather: to Jesus through Mary. These “apparitions” also lack a common plan between Jesus and Mary – the messages are erratic.+
“Some expressions used by these so-called ‘apparitions’ are not theologically sound. In short, the messages of Marcos Thadeu Teixeira seem to spring from his own heart.+
“Private revelations may be accepted if they have been recognized by the Church, through Her legitimate representatives, our Holy Father the Pope and the Bishops. In the present case of the alleged apparitions at Jacarei, Brazil, NO SUCH RECOGNITION is granted and the messages of Marcos Thadeu Teixeira SHOULD NOT BE considered as legitimate and worthy of faith on the part of the faithful. The apparitions are NOT part of Catholic dogma and creed.”
That does that.
[resources: Michael Brown online retreat: Apparitions of Mary, Hidden Past, Future Secrets, Saturday, February 6, 11 a.m. EST]