From Quora:
“Have you seen people at the end of life who were going to hell and Heaven? What was the difference between the demeanor and experience?”
“I used to be a nursing assistant in a nursing home. Sadly, I have been in the room when several died.
“Some would just take a last breath and I wouldn’t know either way what their experience was. Some would talk just before dying. Most were happy and would see other, passed-on relatives who would greet them and take them somewhere (heaven?).
“Several asked me if I could see the beautiful lady (or an angel?). One lady haunts me. She was very upset, asking why her parents wouldn’t talk to her and why they ‘shut the door.’ She then said there was fire between her and the door. She died screaming. It was horrible. Of course, I cannot say that the others went to Heaven and she went to hell, but something was different.
“On another note, there was a lady that always said, ‘When I get to Heaven, I’ll give you a call.’ We were preparing her body for the funeral home when the lights flickered. The phone rang right after. I answered the phone and it was just static.
“Those of us in the room believe she called us when she got to Heaven.”
We believe that also.
“Yes, both. An uncle who had cancer of the mouth, on his deathbed, surrounded by his family, screaming that ‘they’ were coming for him and please don’t let them take me to hell.’ He passed screaming.
“His brother, another uncle, died suddenly in a drugstore of a heart attack in his early thirties. He was a 33rd-degree Mason and his last breath was a tormented one as he saw who and what was coming for him. He was a brilliant man, an inventor who thought he was too intelligent to accept Christ as his Lord and Savior. He was also my grandfather.
“My dad, on the other hand, died smiling and happy because he saw the angels of the Lord coming to go with him to be with the Lord. He was very happy and asked us to forgive him for leaving us, but he wanted to go with them.
“Before he left us, he blessed each of us in Jesus’ name. I’ll never forget it.
“My grandmother also passed smiling and peacefully.”
Praise God.
“Ask any hospice nurse this question. I have been with one woman who had no faith and she looked like she was screaming when she died.
“There has been a sense of peace and oddly a joyful aura in the room when those of faith passed.
“One friend at my church had Covid very badly and the hospital thought she would not regain consciousness. She miraculously recovered and had the out-of-body experience when in the coma of looking at her body in the bed from above. She had good feelings of the afterlife but no details. She also had to relearn who her husband and daughters were and her own personal history. Since her lung had been collapsed she still carries a portable oxygen tank to help her breathe two years afterwards. She did regain her intellect and is a very devout Christian now with no fear of dying.”
“Deuteronomy 7 : 10, says: But those who HATE him he will REPAY to their face by destruction;
“Psalms 81 : 15, says: Those who hate the LORD would cringe before him, and their punishment would last forever.
“Psalms 14 : 1, says: The FOOL says in his heart, “THERE IS NO GOD.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.
“Also see Psalms 53 : 1. (‘The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.’)”
“Peacefully opposed to my stepfather, who in his life wasn’t the best of people… he sat up in bed while the priest was blessing him…he grabbed the priest’s arm very tight..and yelled, ‘No, I don’t wanna go there’..then died…
“I do feel sorry for the priest as it scared the hell out of him… as well as we all jumped… it wasn’t a nice death at all…”
Pray about the afterlife (especially during Lent).
“When faced with death I can’t imagine anyone even thinking about heaven or hell, they’ve simply surrendered themselves to whatever may be.
“When my father was terminally ill and knew my religious beliefs, he looked at me one day and said, ‘Son, I’m at peace.’”
“A personal friend of mine was with her brother, who was driving, and she was in the passenger seat.
“As he was driving on a highway, a drunk driver hit them head-on. She was pronounced dead at the scene.
“During that time she was with Jesus in heaven. She saw her close friend who died when she was younger. She asked her to tell her parents that Heaven is real and they needed to accept Jesus.
“Then Jesus showed her the golden mansions, the garden, the diamond streets, and the animals. She described the intense Love, Joy and Peace there. Colors, as she never experienced on earth. The beauty of everything and the people in white robes. The angels were amazing.
“Then Jesus told her that it was not her time and she had to go back. Of course she wanted to stay. At that time she woke up in her body, which was in the hospital with a sheet over her head. Of course the doctors freaked out because she was pronounced dead for an hour.”
[resources: The Other Side and What You Take To Heaven, The Hell There Is]