When Christ is present, evil can not remain. When Jesus is with us, so is the Trinity. When the Trinity is with us, our very Creator is at hand. And God is infinitely more powerful than Lucifer and all the fallen angels combined!
While many of us struggle to find a way in which to lessen the illness and darkness of our world — to chase away the evil spirits — such is already available to us through Jesus and the power He set loose at the Last Supper, which was the first Eucharist.
As we were reminded a few short weeks ago, it was at the Last Supper that Jesus took the bread, broke it, and gave it to His disciples, saying, “This is My body to be given for you. Do this as a remembrance of Me.” He did the same with the cup of wine. “This cup is the new covenant in My Blood, which will be shed for you.”
They were among the most powerful words since Creation. It was a denouement of Our Savior’s very mission. It was a climax — a high point — of the ages. Christ was showing why He had come and the incredible nature of His rescue mission. By sharing bread and wine, the disciples would be invoking the power of His entire mission. It was a covenant meal at Passover. They would be tapping into God’s power. They would be touching His garment. No wonder the ritual would survive for centuries! No wonder miracles would be associated with the Eucharist!
Henceforth, by performing the ritual Last Supper, Christians would be touching Jesus’ very Heart.
When we take the Eucharist we are the bleeding woman touching the robe of Christ Matthew 9:20) and feeling the healing power and we are the wedding guests at Cana, seeing His first miracle, and we are sitting with Him as He speaks His last to the disciples.
Through the ages it has been proven that the Eucharist takes us into the New Testament. It gives us true insight. The Eucharist is where we should seek advice. The Eucharist is what guides us into the future. The Eucharist is what grants us a taste of the supernatural and sets a path toward faith.
The Eucharist is a high form of mysticism. For hidden in that power is the key to how we should live the current troubling times and what we can expect in the future.
Hidden in the Eucharist is the way to humility and faith.
Hidden in the Host is the key to love.
Thus in the Eucharist is the key to Heaven.
—Michael H. Brown in Secrets of the Eucharist]