It’s a tricky balance. On the one hand, Scripture says (Matthew 12:39): “An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign; and yet no.
Read MoreOf Lights In The Sky And World War [Retreat, St. Augustine Florida, 5/18]
Read MoreThe Quagmire Of Victimhood
We’ve asked this before: “victim” or “victor” (to borrow from a televangelist)? It’s a bit corny, but it makes a point..
Read MoreWhy Aren’t Pyramids Mentioned In The Bible?
Why aren’t the pyramids mentioned in the Old Testament? Mysterious they are, indeed. We visited once, and praying outside of.
Read MoreA Bold Book On Possession
Is there such a thing as “perfect possession”? Let’s first define that term. Regular possession, as those who are moviegoers.
Read MoreGraveyards Should Be Handled With Care
Is it just superstition? And what are we doing, discussing it before autumnn and Halloween? The issue: places where the.
Read MoreDropping The Blinders
There are three germane quotes, today, for our purposes, from the Bible. First: “And immediately there fell from his eyes.
Read MoreExpressions
You know the expression: “The grass is always greener on the other side.” Think of how many times in your.
Read MoreWoe To Thee, Coral Gables, If A Major Hurricane Hits
News item last week: “(the London Mail): “The ritzy Miami-area neighborhood of Coral Gables has replaced regions in California and New.
Read MoreDo You Feel It?
Have you noticed it? Or is it our imagination? A lull, a flatness, nearly a deadness out there, in the.
Read MoreStand Your Ground
It’s important, in the spiritual journey: to recognize what and where Grace abounds. “We are justified by His Grace as.
Read MoreMan Who Sees Angels, Demons
It seems that what we focus upon — spiritually — manifests stronger than all else. Thus, one should not overly.
Read MoreIn San Giovanni, A ‘Second’ Padre Pio
Who knew? There, in San Giovanni Rotundo, Italy—the small town made famous by the greatest mystic since Francis of Assisi, namely.
Read MoreThe Prayer That Pierces To Heaven
The prayer that pierces the clouds, that goes most directly to God, and yields quickest powerful results, is the “right.
Read MoreGod’s Creation: Bees That Preserve Icons
It’s a curiosity, to say the least. And it comes the same week as we note an article on a.
Read MoreTemperatures Continue To Play Out As ‘Signs Of The Times’
Though many have prematurely
Read MoreMailbag: Social Media And The Miraculous
What does social media have to say when it comes to the supernatural? Well, a lot more than just about.
Read MoreWondering Aloud
So many things to contemplate while on this earth. Can you imagine how many more such things Heaven will offer?.
Read MoreMore Messages From An Alleged Seer
We recently had an article revisiting supposed messages from Estela Ruiz, a seer from South Phoenix, who began hearing the.
Read MoreIn Turbulent Time, Nation’s Oldest City Remains Under The Cross
In our turbulent time, with many concerned about the actual possibility of a civil war (see the current “Special Report,”.
Read MoreA Seer Named Estela
Comes now Estela Ruiz, a seer from South Phoenix [above, with large family, she wearing white pants], who began hearing.
Read MoreMailbag: A Prayer To Consecrate Exterior Goods
The prayer composed by exorcist Father Chad Ripperger (based on St Louis de Monfort’s consecration prayer); Consecration Of Exterior.
Read MoreTwo Ways To View Life
There are two ways to view life. There are also two ways to view yourself. One is through a lens.
Read MoreWhen Eclipses Are Harbingers
Throughout history, when events in the sky have fascinated, awed, and frightened, they have been associated with momentous subsequent events..
Read MoreMeanwhile, Back In Mosul (A.K.A. Nineveh)
Much has been made of the fact that the path of the April 8 eclipse includes seven or eight towns.
Read MoreSigns Of The (Coming) Times?
First you have the April 8 eclipse, and how its path intersects with the path of a total eclipse in.
Read MoreThe New York Prophecy
Before it was retitled Future Events, our new book had been called “The New York Prophecy.” One scenario for future purifications.
Read MoreThe ‘Devil Comet’
They call it the “Devil Comet” because that’s what, until very recently, it used to look a bit like: a.
Read MoreOf A Comet And An Eclipse
And so now comes, this month, next week—Monday—the long-awaited and much prophesied about (and for some fearsome) solar eclipse. As.
Read MoreAuthenticity: To Be Or Not To Be
That is a question. And it’s particularly relevant after Easter. For it is a chief calling of Jesus: to be.
Read MoreFatima, Lourdes Crucial For Our Times, For Our Nation, For Our Eternal Destination
Call it a pilgrimage with a purpose. We plan to pray prayers of consecration for the U.S. at Fatima, pray.
Read MoreAmazing Darkness
Often forgotten in revisiting the Crucifixion is that darkness. This was a sign of His deity. “Now from the sixth.
Read MoreWhy Is Longinus A Saint?
It does seem peculiar: the man, the “centurion,” who pierced the side of Christ to make sure He was dead.
Read MoreHell, Purgatory: Is It This Bad?
Is hell this bad? Sounds like an ignorant question. But mulling the depictions of that netherworld in a book about the.
Read MoreImitation Of Christ: Despising The Vanities Of This Earth
From Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis: He who follows Me, walks not in darkness,” says the Lord..
Read MoreOf Prophecy And Near-Death Experiences
It’s the focus of our latest book — future events, especially in line with a template provided, at least in.
Read MoreThe Devil In The Spiritual Life
If it seems like demonic activity ratchets up during Lent—and especially Holy Week—that’s because it does. The devil is particularly.
Read MoreWhy Doesn’t The Bible Mention The Great Pyramids?
Why are the pyramids not mentioned in the Old Testament? With all due respect to the other answers, there is.
Read MoreDream On
We’re interested: have you had dreams that have come true? If so: have you dreamt about future events, in the world.
Read MoreA ‘Great Heat’
February 22nd, 2024 (Vision given to Jennifer from Jesus) I see a haze covering the ground almost like fog but.
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