You might say the “prophetic pulse” beats on, and in line with this, a few items:
Scientists announced a few days ago that their “Doomsday Clock,” which reflects how close they believe the world is to self-destruction, is the closest it has ever been to midnight (89 seconds).
How much to pay attention to scientific types (in this instance the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists)? They make certain points.
Then there’s the Central Intelligence Agency.
According to the London Mail, “A book classified by the CIA for more than 50 years contains a shocking theory about how the world will end. The Adam and Eve Story, written by former US Air Force employee, UFO researcher, and self-acclaimed psychic Chan Thomas, was written in 1966 but its publication was halted by the agency. It was quietly declassified in 2013, at least in part, but remained hidden in the CIA’s database—until now.”
Occult stuff?
In his book, Thomas suggests that earth experiences a massive catastrophe similar to the biblical “Great Flood” approximately every 6,500 years.
Although the timing of the flood described in Genesis is contested by scholars, Thomas maintains it occurred about 6,500 years ago, a theory somewhat supported by archaeological and geological findings (emphasize “somewhat”).
Consequently, Thomas believes another disaster is due soon. He theorizes that a sudden and severe alteration in earth’s magnetic field will cause widespread chaos worldwide.
The magnetic field fetches one’s attention due to Fátima seer Lucia dos Santos claim that the famous “third secret” in which an angel is ready to touch the earth with a flaming sword relates to the earth’s axis.
Then there are near-death experiences.
Whether due to the explosion in social media and podcasts or because there are simply and sharply more prophecies to do with it (or both), we hear constantly from people who after deathbed visions warn likewise of imminent events.
One is a Christian, Diane Carroll, who spent sixty days in a coma, trapped between life and death.
During this time, Carroll allegedly had a life-changing encounter with Jesus Who gave her an urgent warning for the world. Says Diane, in a YouTube video, “During that encounter with Him, the last thing I remember is Him telling me, with such a huge meaningful impact, that ‘the time of the earth was running out’ that ‘I’m coming back soon.
“‘Now is not the time for people to be foolish with their salvation.’
“And He said, ‘Heaven is real, I am real, and hell is real.’
“And He said, ‘Tell everyone.’”
“He gave me a vision of a giant hourglass with the sand coming out at the bottom and there wasn’t much left in there. He said it very serious and urgent, that people realize it. You don’t want to be caught without Jesus.”
But as always this question: What does “soon” mean?
The dictionary defines the word (soon) as “without undue time lapse: before long; in a prompt manner: speedily.”
“I feel that a lot of us alive now will see the end as we know it,” opines Carroll, for your reckoning.
(What is your definition of “soon”?)
Back to excerpts of that C.I.A book:
The first chapter is entitled ‘The Next Cataclysm” and starts with: “Like Noah’s 6,500 years ago… Like Adam and Eve’s 11,500 years ago… This, too will come to pass…”
“In California, the mountains shake like ferns in a breeze; the mighty Pacific rears back and piles up into a mountain of water more than two miles high, then starts its race eastward,“‘ Thomas wrote in his book. “In a fraction of a day all vestiges of civilization are gone, and the great cities—Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas, New York—are nothing but legends. Barely a stone is left where millions walked just a few hours before.”
The book reportedly is more than two hundred pages, but only fifty-five were released. The rest remain secret. “And the reason for the CIA’s involvement,” notes the newspaper, “remains a mystery.”
[resources: The Final Hour]
[Footnote: “I get asked all the time about the end times,” says another who experienced clinical death, Peter Anthony, who once worked for CBS. “I think why a really large number of people are coming back with the same message—love, kindness, and compassion—is because our society has been taken to the lowest level possible and humanity wants answers. If you look at our leaders, our politicians today, our world order, everything is falling apart. Why? Because it needs to fall all together. And so I’m here to spread a message of truth. If those days are going to happen, guess what? I’m going to be the first person on that line helping people. Our job is to show up and be good people. It’s a very simple formula: love, kindness, and unity. We’re here to help, not to destroy, but we do it. We’re not here to be angry, but we’re always angry. And we have lost the togetherness. It’s not the world that’s screwed up, but it’s the leaders who are screwed up. When I travel around the world, people are usually just good people. It’s the people in power who [mess] things up because they get greedy and they’re not living the values they say they’re living. We start with ourselves. How can I contribute to the shift to kindness of humanity? How may I be of service? Every day, that question. Find the system that works for you and build it.”]