While I was studying Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Harbin, China 1987. One of the doctors had me stay in the room while everyone else left, just me him and the translator. After that exchange I knew that the Chinese government would contend the power of The United States of America.
In the 1930’s the Rockefellers’& Rothschilds’ wanted to establish allopathic medicine as the health care structure in the U.S. . They put a large amount of money to help this effort. I think this was primarily was to crack the DNA, so they would later be able to develop transhumans.
While I was in Santa Fe, N.M. I had a friend – Sid. Sid worked up at Los Alamos National Labs, where his father had been a physicist. He programmed the computer system at Labs. Sid told me, that he was going to a symposium on silicon life forms – that would be able to reproduce themselves.
While in Santa Fe there was a friend who knew a doctor in San Francisco. The doctor had received a letter from the A.M.A.- saying do not cohort with TCM they practice voodoo.
And when the legislation occurred in D.C. – the TCM crowd were chanting “Who do voodoo” at the A.M.A…. More truth here, than you may know.
In the book, “The Pentagons’ Brain” Annie Jacobson writes on the evolution of the Military Industrial Complex with ARPA & then DARPA (just a note: name changes occur for deniability and psychological benefits). She writes that the Jason’s (the scientist that work the ideas) were pitching the development of transhumans – for the use in military application. Most that heard the idea and said: This doesn’t end well for the humans. The Jason’s rebutted: I know we’ll find the ingredient that is in mother’s milk that will opiate the masses. Another side note: Hitler’s dream was to create an Uberman – this is the dream of psychopaths. The completion of their own personal godhead. Satan’s dream was to create his own creation, so he could destroy God’s Creation with a divergent of The Natural Laws – a vomit byproduct of creation – that then you can call yourself god. See why pride is the original sin.
So what we have man’s digital creation colliding with The Laws of Nature. Who do think will win? You have to be completely deluded with an ideology to not understand that it is impossible to create a divergent realm to spin off of and deny it’s origin and expect it to work. It derives itself from the whole, by taking parts that are pasted together and they think that this is superior?! More like Frankenstein.
If it isn’t an integral organic of the whole, it’s a fallacy of a sick psychopaths imagination, that’s unable to see life as a whole organism. Instead they dissect so that they are able to control reality – so that you can treat the masses as your cattle. There are some so use to this reality and see it no other way.
We’re living in a world of egos – surfing the next trend. They think that this is a viable reality. No concept of reality or truth. Their truth is “The Truth” – truly brainwashed through the means of M.S.M. (Project Mockingbird) and the C.I.A.
I had told George H.W. Bush that I had the Unified Field and we needed to develop new energies. And if he would go to war with Iraq that the world would enter into WW III. Now we have China wanting to be the worlds reserve currency and an army that will be able to fight a war. The U.S. Marshall plan was enacted after WW II, every gallon of gas was to sold through the dollar. Now the Chinese are taking these gas markets away, by buying the gas direct with the Yuan.
A nuke represents an idea or ideology: Communism, Capitalism and Nazism.
Each nuclear weapon or arsenal represents an idea – either to be a true structure or one of utter fallacy, it doesn’t matter. Satanist destroying the world may just be an act of honor.
W.W. II ended with nukes, W.W. III could start with nukes. My favorite line of Einstein’s: “And you think that you have things to worry about.”
So we may be entering into a war that may not be able to be contained with nuclear weapons. And we give these Satanic despot leaders (psychopathic and sociopath) their day in the sun. As you see that God’s intervening to destroy Satan’s delusions.
Babylon had controlled the world for 70 years. Mystery Babylon (America) established the IMF and Bretton Woods in 1948. 2018 will be the 70th year. So this structure will be replaced with another and the despots don‘t know what to do, because they’re so driven mad with power. This is why God is pulling back the curtain on all these false gods, pedophiles’ and satanic sacrifices. This is Revelation: to reveal what the occult has hidden. Our leaders thought the demons would bring them power and their dreams. How can you believe a liar? One that is impotent and unable to create a thing – that just steals a molecule of creation and tries to make his own putrid reality. Even one of our Presidential candidates’ said: If they find out what we’ve been doing, they’ll hang all of us. What kind of demented mind is this. Forcing the world with a set of false dogmas‘ – that they know nobody wants.
This new structure will be founded on The Natural Laws of The God of Creation and The Tree of Life. Jesus is God’s only Son.
We are leaving The Age of Darkness and entering The Age of Light.
Kevin Davis
Iowa City, IA