From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese]:
Exorcists warn of yoga practices that lead to demonic possession.
Exorcist Father Dan Rehill, speaking about pagan religions and dangerous spiritual practices, has referred to the opening of the “third eye.”
He said: “I had someone who became completely possessed trying to open his third eye.”
Which is very common in Indian spiritual practices.
Because whenever you get involved with pagan religions, you’re dealing with demons.
And this has become a danger in the West as Eastern disciplines, such as Yoga, have become popular.
And practices that are also spread by the New Age, such as astral travel.
But sometimes the third eye can open unconsciously and the person can become possessed.
Here we, at Forums in Peru, will talk about the opening of the third eye, something really little known, about the risks of demonic possession that it implies, how to take precautions and how the third eye is closed.

The third eye, also known as the sixth chakra, is described as a center located between the eyebrows.
It is associated with intuition, extrasensory perception, and preternatural connection, that is, beyond the natural.
And the awakening of the kundalini, which is represented by a snake that unites the chakras, and whose awakening the exorcist Monsignor Stephen Rossetti, also links to demonic possessions.
But does the third eye really exist? It depends on how you define “exist.”
There is no visible physical organ that corresponds to the third eye as described in spiritual traditions.
And therefore it lies outside the sphere of physical science.
The hidden third eye perceives invisible things, just as the physical eyes, our biological eyes, perceive material or physical things.
This hidden third eye is fundamentally the organ of divination, much like how the eyes are the organ of seeing.
It does not allow the ability to read thoughts, because reading hearts and thoughts belongs only to God.
But it allows for the establishment of telepathic communication that comes from the spirit of divination.
And this happens when the person gets used to accepting knowledge from the outside through the third eye.
Father Winston Cabading, chief exorcist for the Archdiocese of Manila, has lectured and written, explaining how the third eye is a gateway to the demonic.
He says psychic abilities are quite common.
Some people are born with a more developed sensitivity than the average person.
It is observed among children before the age of reason.
And exorcists usually include people with these abilities in their teams.
But sometimes these people want to develop that ability in an esoteric, occult way, and expand it.
So, says Father Cabading, the transition from psychic ability, which is natural, is transformed into occult divination.
When the spirit of divination, which is a demon, joins with natural psychic ability.
It is no longer just feeling, but now the ability to communicate with spirits appears, which is controlled by the spirit of divination.
When a person develops enhanced sensory ability, he becomes influenced and controlled by the spirit of divination. [scroll for more:]
And what does enhanced sensory faculties mean?
It manifests itself through a heightened ability of the physical senses to feel or perceive.
It starts with sensations, then hearing, seeing, then smelling, tasting, touching, and then the development of imagination.
From the imagination, we gain knowledge, including vivid dreams, and then speak to the deceitful spirits directly.
We often seem to see things in the periphery of our eyes, but when you see straight ahead, it means your third eye is quite developed.
And the highest form of manifestation of the third eye is being able to speak or communicate with the spiritual world.
The spiritual world of fallen spirits, not the world of God, of good angels and saints.
And when we talk to those spirits, other skills are enhanced, such as the skills of drawing, singing, writing.
And once we can speak and we have all the skills, then comes the possibility of possession.
For example, Alice Bailey, one of the founders of the New Age, received knowledge from a supposedly ascended Tibetan master, who appeared to her and dictated to her.
This is sometimes achieved through spiritual practices and sometimes with drugs such as LSD or ayahuasca.
And how does the “third eye” open and close?
Brother Winston Cabading says one way is to inherit it from an ancestor with an open third eye.
The spirit descends through the family line due to the consecration performed.
Because if the occultist has used the power several times and has obtained benefits from that power, then it enters the family line.
And the devil circulates through the family.
It can also happen by accident, through multiple contacts with the occult or with someone whose third eye is open.
The third way is through trauma, either a near-death experience or a strong emotional shock.
And the fourth is induced, when you wish to have that power through a deliberate desire to open it, or through occult or ritual means.
But if you can open it you can also close it.
Although Father Cabading warns, if you open it, and you associate with the spirit of divination, you cannot close it on your own, because you are now bound to the spirit of evil.
The only way to close it is to return to God with a true conversion.
Why? Because when we open ourselves to the occult, we renounce our baptismal vows.
And what is the closing procedure?
First and foremost, through a sincere, definitive, honest, genuine renunciation of the spirit of divination and all powers given to these demons.
But if the person has become a medium, and has a demon coming in and out, the battle will be long.
Because if we have given permission for our bodies to be used by those spirits, you cannot easily give it up, because the spirits will prevent you from giving it up.
And then demonic possession will probably occur.
You also can’t just go to a priest and say, “Father, I want to close my hidden third eye,” just like that.
You have to go through a process of conversion, a true return to God.
And it is not something magical, because if one has been using the power granted by demons for a long time, or is deeply rooted in the practice of occultism, then possession will definitely occur.
And Father Cabading tells how an exorcist does it.
For an exorcism of the spirit of divination and the hidden third eye, blessed oil is used on the location of the third eye.
And if necessary, in the senses that have been affected by it: eyes, ears, nose, lips, chest, hands, feet.
This must be done by a priest.
Then it is dedicated to the person and the senses.
So the psychic abilities that had been linked to impure spirits come out from there.
And if a person has psychic abilities and casts out unclean spirits, those psychic abilities now begin to belong to God.
And Cabading says that exorcists do this by consecrating the skill to the Blessed Virgin.
This means that the priest seals the location of the third eye and other senses, with holy chrism, as a sign of the person’s consecration to God.
Well, that’s all we wanted to talk about, something very little known, which is the opening or closing of the third eye, which can sometimes happen unconsciously, and the risks it brings and how to close it.
And I would like to ask you if you had heard about the third eye before and the difficulties it brings, or not.