From Sister Emmanuel (religious at Medjugorje):
To put an end to a major confusion which has been all over the Internet since June 16, I must clarify that the image of Christ imprinted on the host, during a Holy Hour of adoration in Medjugorje, is simply a fake. A young Spanish man himself said he was the author (see pictures). Initially, he had made this photomontage just for his friends, using an application called Moldiv, while clearly indicating that it was a fake. But unfortunately, an ill-intentioned person circulated the picture without specifying that it was not real. And that was enough to create the greatest confusion.

Here is the lesson that we can draw from this:
– Let’s not disseminate any images or information without knowing exactly where they come from. Medjugorje doesn’t need misleading advertising.
– Holy things must not ever be mocked, this does not attract any divine blessing. In addition, there is the risk of sawing trouble among people of good faith.
– Jesus is always present in the Eucharist and that is the extraordinary news that we should broadcast all over the world! That is the real miracle: the Son of God present in the Bread of Life, with or without any tangible image. “Blessed are those who believe without seeing!”
“May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; may the Lord lift up His Face upon you, and give you peace.”
Sister Emmanuel +
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