From the Catholic Stand:
There is a lot being written and produced about the “end times” these days. As Catholics we believe and profess that Jesus is coming again, but that no one knows when. From Protestant books about being “left behind,” to atheist theories of aliens on the warpath, to true Catholic teaching about how the end of time will be revealed, there is a preponderance of thought, prayer, ink and media being spent on the possibility that this current time of dramatic change and turbulence signals the beginning of the end of time.
I do not know what all of this turbulence means. But as a prayerful person I see a pattern emerging with mirrored and opposing thoughts and actions among the people of God and those who follow the ways of the world. Spiritually, things are coming to a head. Extremes are being experienced in nature, in behavior and in the many facets of our socioeconomic world. What this “head” is that “things” are coming to, I do not know. But for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, these are very interesting times indeed.
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