Thank you for your prayers!
Caterina Di Matteo, (Udine) Italy
2018-06-15 23:28 GMT+01:00 Michael Brown <[email protected]>:
Yes, of course; I agree. I may use your good note. Full name and locale please?Appreciate your note, and know that we pray at Mass for all who contact us and read the website. Please let your friends and dear ones know of bless you,Michael H. BrownIn a message dated 6/15/2018 3:01:41 PM Eastern Standard Time, [email protected] writes:
Dear Spirit daily,
Today you had a video of a strange cloud/storm formation with lightening and thunder a strange black thing…and often you give news of strange things. I wish for all Catholics to know this: all such strangeness can disappear just like that when we pray the Litany of the Saints. I learned this from the ‘contadini’ here in Italy (it is a centuries-old custom approved by generations of Priests but nowadys many would frown on it!). They have always prayed this way in times of great peril and fear. I also pray as is the age-old custom among the ‘peasantry’. These things are all but dying out, which is a shame. It means that many modern Catholics here are fearful of everything–because they don’t know how to pray. I assure you, it is very simple. First of all, a person must be in the Grace of God, otherwise prayers serve no purpose, and fear overcomes a person. Then, I urge all Catholics to keep a blessed Crucifix (not a cross) with them, all the time (even a small one, like worn around the neck). More and more Catholics need to have a habit of prayer, like the Rosary. The times will get stranger but prayer will keep us from being frightened. Prayer and daily Mass, weekly confession. Then, if anyone is in great danger: powerful storms, earthquake, tornados, fires, flooding, whatever, let them get on their knees, light a blessed candle (from the Feast of the Purification is what is always used here), or burn a bit of blessed palm leaf from Palm Sunday, and begin the Litany of the Saints and all the invocations and prayers that follow. Be sure to use the old version. The one after the Vatican II changes has been shortened and is not too effective. While praying the Litany one makes the sign of the Cross in the air, largely drawn, once to the north, then to the south, and the east and the west, with the Crucifix. I have been praying this way for years, with an old ‘contadina’ friend whenever danger looms–and we are in earthquake area, flooding, violent storms, hail etc.. I have seen all these threats just vanish before we ever get to the end of the Litany. I say, our God is very good, and if we are in His grace, there is nothing ever to fear. And all those strange things in the sky, satan likes to spook us because we don’t even think to pray, But you can pray it away. for sure!