From the National Catholic Register:
Woodrow Wilson was president, people drove their Model Ts to see Charlie Chaplin movies, and World War I had just ended when Deacon Lawrence Girard was born on Nov. 21, 1918. Since his birth a century ago, the world has not slowed down, and neither has he — or at least not much for a century-old deacon.
Deacon Girard serves eight Masses a week at St. Sebastian Church in Dearborn Heights, Michigan — one a day and two on Sundays — reading the Gospel and intentions and helping distribute Holy Communion. According to his pastor, Father Walter Ptak, “He’s not only 100, but he is full of life and so active.” Walking back and forth between the sacristy at the back of church to the altar for a recent Sunday evening Mass, Deacon Girard moved at a brisk pace. When asked about the centenarian’s liveliness after Mass, pastor Father Ptak laughed. “I have to grab onto him and say, ‘Hey, wait up! You are making me look bad!’” he said. “I’m 57 and I can’t keep up with him.”