A photograph is as amazing and miraculous as the effect it has.
Judge it by its fruits.
No need to analyze every aspect under an electron microscope (you will only see a world that is very small!).
And so: Grace! That’s your guide.
We’re in Medjugorje, where crowds have returned to numbers not seen since the early 1990s and where a pilgrim leader, Jim Benzow, of the U.S., took these photos on Cross Mountain. They are circulating here. First, a light form, taken from a bit of a distance:
Then, closer [below]: Does it seem like the famous Medjugorje priest, Father Slavko Barbaric, now deceased, who used to climb Cross Mountain every day (in Franciscan garb, and died on the mountain during one of the climbs, the spot memorialized)?
Our own guide, Slavenka, of 206 Tours, was in another recent photo, standing with pilgrims at the top of the mountain (Krizevac), during miracle of the sun (Son).
Elsewhere, yes, from our old friend Ethelyn David in Vancouver: streams of light. She felt it.
She also took this:
Quite some camera!
Is there an angel (sent by another viewer, Beverly Miller in Gulf Breeze, Florida)?
Well, who are we to say!
Unusual, for sure.
God is where we see Him — and we should see Him everywhere!
And then there is what seems like spiritual warfare (fire in Ronkonkoma, New York). Images? A spiritual conflict?
Let the eye of the beholder be the eye of the spirit; see through that lens (“backstage”), and what you see may surprise (and even anoint) you.
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