It’s time to clear some items from the mail. We apologize for how long it sometimes takes.
There are, as always, some interesting photos. One above, taken by a photographer named Kimberly Spurling-Gray, appeared first on Facebook and was snapped on the backroads of Arkansas during a storm.
Is an “eye” in it? If so (for those who want to interpret it that way), of whom (or Whom)?
A bit ominous, with or without a supernormal subtext.
This is also interesting:
Here’s one taken during Mass and sent by Marianne Litchfield of Orange, Massachusetts. It seems a bit more textural than your standard lens flare.
We had a mailbag story a while ago that included strange cellphone experiences. Those who have their own accounts to share included Linda Dunlap in Wisconsin, who writes: “Last year on June 4th, 2019, my 58-year-old sister, Martha, died in Florida, following an extended hospital stay. I live in Wisconsin and due to difficult circumstances, I was not able to go down and be with her at the end. On that day, I received the dreaded phone call letting me know that she had just passed away a few minutes before. I fell apart in grief, but walked over to my computer area and set my cell phone down on the table next to me.
“I thought I should do something helpful, so I opened up Facebook to let everyone on her ‘friends’ list know.
“I read your article on putting the pandemic into perspective,” says another, Steve Jalsevac of Lifesite. “Fully understand the need for masking and serious penalties during the Spanish Flu, but the Wuhan virus is not remotely as dangerous as that flu was. Also, there are a number of high-level globalists who have openly stated that this current pandemic presents a great opportunity for them to implement their globalist plan of a Great Rest of the world.+
“As well, there is a massive evil related to this virus. That is, there have been very effective treatments all along that would likely have saved the lives of most of the people who died but they have been constantly suppressed for the purpose of keeping the public so terrified and wearied that they will accept the need for a worldwide vaccination. That is a terrifying prospect because it is not really necessary for such a relatively flu-like virus that endangers only a select, easily identified segment of the public that can be otherwise economically and safely protected with the long-available treatments.”+
We love hearing from everyone, everywhere, and though imperfect, strive to bring information from many perspectives — for your discernment.+
[resources: Michael Brown on-line retreat, May 22]