Several years ago a friend told me some sobering news about Halloween that I really did not want to hear. October 31 had always been one of my favorite times of the year, and didn’t really seem evil. As a Christian who was striving to put Jesus first in my life, I began to pray for truth and understanding. Gradually, these questions had to be dealt with:
- Do Christians realize there are tens of thousands of Satanists in the US alone, and thousands of groups of admitted witches—men, women, and children who look just like the neighbor next door and who well might be? Halloween is one of their highest feast days celebrated. Consider Galatians 4:8-11, “In the past when you did not acknowledge God, you served as slaves to gods who are not really divine. Now that you have come to know God, how can you return to those worthless, natural elements to which you seem willing to enslave yourselves once more?”
- Have you ever seen a child dressed as Hitler? We know for a fact that he was historic, real, and evil. No one would question his reality, and no one I know would dress her child in his likeness, which would give him glory. Yet, how is it that we see many children dressed as devils, demons, witches, and evil ones on Halloween, and are unmoved by this impersonation? Could it be that we really don’t believe in the devil that comes to steal, slaughter, and destroy as warned by Jesus Himself? (John 10:10) Or do we suppose that witches are o.k. and we discount what scripture says?
- Do we support and entice “innocent’ fear through haunted houses, spooky stories, and trick or treating because “everyone else is doing it; it’s a tradition; it’s just soo much fun ; or the Word of God isn’t applicable here.” (Romans 12:1-2 “Do not conform yourselves to this age, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind so that you may judge what is God’s will, what is good, pleasing, and right.” Ephesians 4:17-18 “You must no longer live as the pagans do–their minds empty, their understanding darkened. They are estranged from a life in God because of their ignorance and their resistance.”
- Why did Jesus say in John 14:12, “the one who has faith in Me will do the works I do, and even greater.” Do we have the kind of faith and power that He offers us? Do our children know as much about Him, impersonate Him, or fill their lives with Him as much as they do Harry Potter and other contemporary misfits? Regardless of how Halloween may have started, think of this: All Saints Day follows Halloween on November 1, the day we glorify our Living God by focusing attention on the lives of persons who intimately knew their Lord and dared to take God at His Word. Then WHY have we Christians spent so much more time, money, and effort on a pagan holiday that glorifies evil than we have spent on All Saints Day honoring the Living God we profess to serve? Could it be that Jesus is not enough for us?? The number of “Christians” involved in witchcraft, astrology, and occult activities sadly indicates that perhaps the power of Our Lord Jesus hasn’t effectively been accepted by a whole lot of people.
- Well then, what about Halloween? Many are proposing an alternative to the way we have come to observe it. Numerous churches and families throughout American have a Fall Festival or All Saints Eve party on October 31 that provides a time of fun and celebration for children and adults that is uniquely non-pagan. Costumes might be one’s name saint or a favorite Bible character. Games, prizes and good food, music and prayer, can enhance the festivities amid fall decorations. Your imagination can surely glorify Our God and not evil!
I particularly invite you to pray for truth and wisdom concerning what a Christian’s perspective of Halloween should be and how we should teach our kids to celebrate truth and goodness.
“Finally, your thoughts should be wholly directed to all that is true, all that deserves respect, all that is honest, pure, admirable, decent, virtuous, or worthy of praise.” (Philippians 4:8)