Let it go. Leave it alone. Let it be.
Use whichever phrase you want. They all have a similar message:
When something’s bothering you, nagging, niggling, oppressing, distressing, if someone is upsetting your spirit (you can’t get through to a loved one or coworker or neighbor or friend, if a matter important to you just isn’t shaping up), learn to just “leave it alone;” place it in the Hands of God.
A child’s off course. Someone’s not treating you right. You feel frustrated, drained. Doors seem closed.
Don’t butt your head against them.
Let it be.
Let Jesus deal with it.
Wait for His Holy Spirit to come with the answer and remember that many battles in life are not yours but the Lord’s.
Some things you can’t force.
Do you try to manipulate things and ponder problems endlessly, burning out your emotions? Are you exhausted even thinking of it? That’s another sign that it’s time to turn it completely over. Often this takes more faith than striving to do it on our own.
It’s important to take steps of faith and to work diligently at what we want, until, that is, it becomes fruitless; until we find ourselves forcing things.
Then it’s God’s turn.
Give yourself permission to rest. Take in the summer hiatus and take your hands off what just isn’t happening.
If the enemy sneaks in and plants “weeds” in your “garden,” it can be a sign that God plans a rich harvest the devil is trying to starve. If it was only good wheat you sowed, let God take care of what the devil planted; if they are too deeply rooted, let Him pull the weeds out.
Don’t be discouraged. The enemy afflicts those who are doing good. Be still, however, and know He is God. When we strive too much, it can be less than the best. When we constantly watch something, it seems to grow slower. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing.
Not usually. No. The biggest problem is often lack of discipline. Lack of diligence. Lack of elbow grease. Procrastination. This brings many problems. Sloth is a cardinal sin. When there are things in your charge to do, do them.
But if something keeps bouncing back at you—isn’t happening—place it with the Lord and pray. Put another way, there are times we fight battles not assigned to us.
Remember that no one can make you upset; you have to give them “permission” (by investing too much emotion in it—thinking you can change them when perhaps you can’t). When people overstep boundaries, they bring spirits with them and the spirits remain when we react to them. Silence can be powerful. Often, it’s the loudest way to communicate—not the spiteful “silent treatment,” but making words count, being careful not to say what isn’t necessary.
Don’t let others determine whether you’re going to be happy.
They don’t control your destiny.
You do. God does.
Let it be. Distance yourself from that which afflicts you. Wait for Him. Let it go. When, with faith, you place things in His Hands, the way is paved for success. Be patient and still!
In ways you can’t engineer and with exquisite timing you can’t imagine, everything you need to come together will come together if it is God’s Will.
[resources: books of inspiration and Michael Brown retreat video]