Mary Giordano is a Midwest woman who says in a new book that she has experienced mystical phenomena, particularly locutions, since 2009.
A key period addressed in the book: 2009 to 2014.
One major theme: redemptive suffering. (“The messages help us understand that we are born for these times of tribulation, and we are not alone,” says the back cover.)
And the messages themselves? Are they from the Lord?
A little sampling:
“It is not in the manifestation of outward signs that you should look. I am with you always, always until the end of time.
“It is in ordinary things that I want you to find Me. In the times when you would like to think badly of someone but stop yourself and say a prayer instead; here I Am in the situation.
“You have by this act won a monumental spiritual battle.
“You choose Me!”
When we do that, “He” reminds Mary (a charismatic Catholic housewife, inspired by the Cursillo movement, and mother of two), His miracles “manifest in ways you cannot imagine.”
Have we not all seen this truth? Do we not see miracles multiply when our faith is maintained, when we are selfless, when we constantly converse with Him?
Unfortunately, we often forget that.
We are plagued by negative pestering thoughts that whip into and whirl about our brains, even at Mass; when they do, they are “from the evil one,” says one locution, and are dispelled only (including in church) when He is present.
If the locutions are true (and we could spot no immediate fault with them), there was a warning for all of us; it came to Giordano during a snowstorm—when the Blessed Sacrament suddenly and distressingly was not available.
That, she was “told, was a “precursor.” An omen.
For there “will come a time” when (words putatively from God) the “exposed Presence of My Dear Son” will not be available for reasons other than local weather. Heed well!
“Mankind has turned from Me in abhorrent ways, and though in My Patience I have stayed the Hand of Justice, the hour is at hand, as you have been shown. It is the 11th Hour and as My Mercy is being poured out right now for anyone who will accept it, My Justice is not far off.”
How many of us avail ourselves of that great protective called the Blessed Sacrament? How many of us pray at every opportunity? How many of us have strayed back into the “world” (politics, economics, entertainment, gossip), lessening the time for prayer (and weakening our discernment)?
“Evil has entered all areas of this world, and is being invited in, even unknowingly,” is another locution, “because there is a great deception, the Great Apostasy is at hand.”
We see this in many ways.
When the darkness comes, Mary says she was advised, “you must remain strong in Faith and call down My Fatherly Power from Heaven.”
“Fight as never before for the salvation of souls. But fight not with swords, guns, and insults, but with glances of love, compassion, and mercy. Fight with actions of sacrificial love.”
Didn’t He?
“I must be at the center of the lives of My children. It is an invitation that I extend to all mankind.
“The deception is rapidly rising to a peak, and without Me at the center of your lives there is no foundation for you to stand on.
“As events escalate, as they already have begun, it is only through My supernatural Power that any of you will endure.”
And that Force is plentiful during Mass.
“The Power here is so profound that in just one worthily received Holy Communion, you can become a saint. In just one worthily received Holy Communion, you can atone for the many sins of your life and even for the sins of others.
“So be holy and receive Me often because the world is far from Me, and by the faithfulness of My chosen ones, many will see My Light and be redeemed!”
And that crucial adverb: “worthily”?
Let’s meditate on that and end it here; the rest of the messages are for you to prayerfully peruse and discern.
[resources: His Book: My Life with Jesus.]