What you watch on television matters—sometimes in a very direct way.
And these days, television, YouTube, websites, and social media are filled with horror stories.
Sometimes it’s good to keep abreast of certain phenomena. Knowledge is power. “Fools die for the lack of knowledge,” says Proverbs 10. Jesus taught and demonstrated much in the realm of spiritual warfare. Look at what He faced on the desert!
Can you imagine?
But excessive interest in and viewing of diabolic manifestations can open portals.
The online site Quora had the question posed:
“Can my house become haunted from watching videos about spirits and demons?”
“The answer is yes,” said a correspondent. “I made a huge mistake a month ago by watching the most terrifying video… I forgot the girl’s name but it was some girl who was getting possessed supposedly by six demons. I listened to the audio recording on YouTube and everything, and after that I searched it up on Google (‘scary ghosts caught on camera’), which is the worst thing you can do.
“Now for the creepy stuff that happened.”
“At 3:00 am my brother came running to my room waking me up I asked him what the big issue was? He is 17, a year older than I am. He is a smart guy and isn’t the type of guy to not know what he is talking about.
“He told me when he was downstairs drinking milk he heard someone shout ‘hey!’ He was really scared at first but then he told me he heard a lot of movement from upstairs. I knew it couldn’t be my dog because she’s always by my side and she was sleeping and my dad was sleeping and my mom sleeps downstairs. He told me he didn’t know if it was walking but it was just a lot of movement at this moment I knew I invited something very bad in my house I didn’t want to tell him about the creepy sh*t I was watching on YouTube. A month ago I was an atheist I wasn’t a believer so I thought all these ghost or demon stories were bull, and I felt like the unwanted visitors were coming after me sense I wasn’t a believer and they thought it would’ve been easy to target me. I converted as quickly as I could and asked god to please protect me and whatever hell is in my house because I myself heard people talking once it wasn’t my brother bc he was sleeping it sounded gender neutral. I quickly ran to my moms room I told her I had no idea what the voice was saying it sounded like it spoke a completely different language that didn’t even exist. I cut off all the creepy stuff in my life and you should too. You don’t have to believe me but I know what I heard yes by viewing creepy stuff your inviting unknown visitors… majority of them are bad.