Son, My coming will be witnessed by all, especially my followers. Prepare yourself for the events you see in the future and the ones you see in the present. Stop enslaving and disobeying me. Do not avoid helping hungry people. Give them clean clothes and feed their empty stomachs. If you follow My will, the loneliness that surrounds you will be removed, and My Divine Light will shine from above. I will enlighten your steps; I will bless and guide you. From that, your spirit will strengthen. You will be one of My good shepherds who do not lose the flow of my blessings. I will rebuild the foundations which broke because they lost their faith in Me. My believers will build again of my damaged home of faith. Most hard-hearted people will respect and recognize you. You will feel the joy of serving me, and I will give you honor in front of the world. You will have the happiness of living with Me. It will happen because I am the Lord who declared it. Remember do not be greedy to material items that you see for a short amount of time; instead, pay attention to the words of the Scriptures that I sent to My chosen one. It is to give you courage and to know that I am with you at events. Those who do not listen will feel what is happening around them as well as on the other side of distant places. It is to warn and persecute them with the fear of what they see. You, my servants, do not be afraid because the angels I sent will accompany you. With My dear Mother of Help, I will help you redeem your sins. Your good deeds will change the younger generation that will follow you. Pray humbly to make my lost sheep feel the goodness I have taught. My heavenly Father will rejoice because he is the beginning and the end of your generation. Pray with repentance so that you will not be judged by My coming but by the joy of my good Father. Because of your good deeds, his angels will accompany you to the salvation you seek. Pray with repentance, and I will be with you for My beloved Father who is the Creator of all things. I am Jesus, your Lord. I will wait for you and teach you as my good servant and in heavenly kingdom you will receive my eternal glory.”
Mailbag (Discernment): A ‘Message’ Behind A Photo
