Odds and ends:
It’s curious, isn’t it, that word “viral”?
We hear it constantly.
Caution: a lot of “click bait” — perhaps most — has a dark anointing.
Also curious is the word “venom.”
We constantly hear that too.
Caution again, for it is a snake that produces poison.
What about animals as signs of the deceased?
We’re still receiving feedback about that.
Writes Diane Petry of Mountain Top, Pennsylvania:
“I lost my 24-year-old son on May 29, 2010, from a heroin overdose. He struggled with anxiety and depression and drug use. He had been to a psychologist, psychiatrist, drug rehab and juvenile camp but his struggle continued.+
“My spiritual friends, sister, and myself had always prayed for him. When he died the Lord in His great goodness gave my sister a whole vision as to how he had barely escaped hell. The Blessed Virgin had saved him because of our rosaries and and because of God’s Divine Mercy.
“I observed this for a bit and continued on with my talk and it wasn’t until my talk was over that I had realized what had happened. I homeschooled my son for three years and he always liked drawing cardinals.
“Not sure if his drawing cardinals was prophetic of his early death but I still have those drawings. God is so good.”
There can be no question about that.
We’ll pray for him also.
An exorcist we know expressed great concern over an article we carried about a layman named Dr. Michael D. Miesch, Jr., a retired entomologist and staunch Roman Catholic (daily communicant since 1970 and Lay Dominican for decades), who claims that even evil spirits can be prayed into Heaven (contrary to official Church doctrine).
“Catechism 309: ‘It is the irrevocable character of their choice, and not a defect in the infinite Divine mercy, that makes angel’s sin unforgivable,” he wrote. “‘There is no repentance for angels just as there is no repentance for man after death.’ While we do not know these people personally, it is a huge red flag. I know that you noted you didn’t approve of this ministry but simply are reporting it…..”
Indeed, Mr. Miesch seems like a sincere, dedicated, and certainly good man who from what we can tell has helped a good number of people, but who perhaps needs to revisit some of his observations, to understate this. Might he actually have seen or meant dark earthbound purgatorial spirits of the deceased?
We also received some mail from folks who believe that there have been too many negative articles about Pope Francis.
We always endeavor to present both sides — as long as there is no disrespect or disobedience (both of which, in these venomous times, are in abundance).
Writes viewer Cathy Fernandes (a close follower of news), “Francis was elected on March 13, 2013. He had his pontificate consecrated to Our Lady of Fatima on May 13, 2013.
“Pope Francis consecrated Vatican City to Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Joseph on July 5, 2013.
“In 2018, he instituted the celebration of Mary Mother of the Church to be observed as a Memorial on the Monday after Pentecost.
“He consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25, 2022 [as requested at Fatima].
“But, a little known event occurred when Francis visited Fatima in 2017 to canonize Jacinta and Francisco.The Shrine in Fatima composed a prayer that designated Francis as the BISHOP DRESSED IN WHITE in the Third Secret.
“This certainly explains why an unholy war is being waged against the Vicar of Christ by some members of the Church. In 1969 Fr. Joseph Ratzinger predicted that a smaller faithful Church would emerge after persecution. And, it is obvious that this persecution is also coming from within the Church.
“Catholics who attack the Vicar of Christ don’t believe Christ’s words that Peter is the Rock, and the gates of hell will never prevail against His Church. Nevertheless, they won’t succeed in dividing and conquering the Bride of Christ. The famous dream of St. John Bosco predicts the defeat of the swarm attacking the Pope. Will they change course before it’s too late?”
Which Pontiff was that, or will that be?
As for the Third Secret, the same question can be asked (which Pope?), for Saint Pope John Paul II also dressed frequently in white, as they all do (as the Pontiff in the Third Secret is dressed in white) and though not killed (as in that secret), he was certainly and famously shot — on May 13, 1980, another feast day of Fatima. John Paul II was the Pope who in June of 2000 publicly released that secret.
In so much of current life, it is just one extreme or another. Oh, such a difficult time to strike a balance.
But a balance something to which we must always aspire.
[resources: Future Events: A Prophecy of Coming Times]
[Footnote from Sister Lucia dos Santos’ memoirs: “One day we spent our siesta down by my parents’ well. Jacinta sat on the stone slabs on top of the well. Francisco and I climbed up a steep bank in search of wild honey among the brambles in a nearby thicket. After a little while, Jacinta called out to me: ‘Didn’t you see the Holy Father?’ ‘No.’ ‘I don’t know how it happened, but I saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table, with his head buried in his hands, and he was weeping. Outside the house, there were many people. Some of them were throwing stones, others were cursing him and using bad language. Poor Holy Father, we must pray very much for him.’ One day, two priests recommended us to pray for the Holy Father, and explained to us who the Pope was. Afterwards, Jacinta asked me: ‘Is he the one I saw weeping, the one Our Lady told us about in the Secret?’ ‘Yes, he is.'”
Links sent by Cathy: