How would Jesus walk in the current world?
Perhaps the better question: could—would—Jesus walk in a world such as ours?
When we think of His time, it is difficult not to envision the cleans state of this planet.
There were no plastic water bottles slung at roadside, there were no belching smokestacks, there were no SUVs and pickup trucks, there was no McDoinald’s.
It takes but a brief meditation to wonder at the course mankind has taken and if all the modern niceties are quite as beneficial as we like to believe.
Put another way: does convenience equal benefit? Is a convenience store better than an open market?
The dirt under Christ’s feet had no pesticides.
Place the Lord Jesus in Malibu, or Miami Beach, or SoHo in Manhattan, or Old Greenwich. Would He have been reported as a vagrant?
Will He return before all this superstructure is broken down?
A good question at a time when the Western world is awash in cash (and stock and cryptocurrency).
The so-called 1990 prophecy included these words: ““Know this about the world: I would not appear on television, nor ride a car, nor travel in an airplane.
“Would I come in such a manner?
“Would I live in such a world?
“You think of the changes in very simple ways, without realizing the fundamental mistakes of mankind.
“The very artifice of your societies is false and against the accordance of God’s Will.
“This artifice shall not last.”
Too easy it is to discard His lifestyle as simply the way of the world back then.
His simplicity is never changing.
His purity could not be compromised.
Would He be considered homeless or simply eccentric? Would His humility take other forms?